Keno Strategy

Keno has always been one of the more enjoyable games on the casino circuit. This game attracts millions of gamers around the world on a daily basis – both online and land based. Most gamblers play for enjoyment, but wouldn’t it be so much more enjoyable if this enjoyment also meant winning?

Being able to play a game well means that you have an edge over other players. Unfortunately, just knowing the rules is not enough. You have to have a strategy so that you know what to do in certain situations. Just a few strategic tips can turn you from a social keno player into a winning, social keno player.

This does not mean that you should become obsessed with winning. The important thing is to still enjoy your keno, but with some added tips to make you a better, thinking player.

Play fewer numbers

The first thing you should do is to accept that you need to play fewer numbers. If you examine the odds, you will see that you have a better chance of getting 3 out of 20 than 5 out of 20. This is quite simple to grasp and requires just a smidgeon of common sense. However, you will be surprised as to how many online gamblers do not apply this basic rule to their gambling. Something so small can make a huge difference to your winning odds.

Once you accept how to balance your greed with the realization that limiting the numbers you play will improve your chances of winning, you will start to win at keno. It comes down to guessing fewer numbers correctly.

Try different bets

You do not only have to settle for straight bets when playing keno. There are many online and land based casinos which offer you a range of other bets. Your keno winning strategy should include a range of betting options such as way bets and combination way bets.

You should always gamble according to your current situation. If you have just been through a losing patch, you should go for way bets and combination bets. This will allow you to pool your resources and increases your chances of winning – even if it is slower. This will help you get back to where you were so that you can start to play your normal game.

Shop around

You should shop around for a keno game which suits your playing style. This is especially important if you are an online keno player. You need to see what gambling edge the various online casinos offer as well as whether they offer a progressive jackpot and bonuses options. You should also check the online casino’s history. Rather go for the more established online casinos so that you will be sure of your money being paid out on time. There would be nothing worse than winning big at online keno, only to find that the online casino is a scam.

Do your reading

You should also read up as much as possible on keno. You may think that you know it all, but there is always something you may have missed. Know your history. Know the rules. Learn the strategy.